Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Photoshop Manipulation

I chose the picture below because its a picture I actually have seen and actually thought it was too unbelievable to be true. The matter of the fact it is not true, it was originated in 2001. They added the shark to the picture of a U.S. Air Force helicopter. It was manipulated to show the world the amazing power of nature and input more fright to shark attacks. I believe any manipulation that exaggerates or deceives an audience is unethical, nevertheless, this particular one is not harmful since its just trying to make up an unreal, ridiculous event.

To me the following photoshop video showed me how media deceives our society to makes us believe models and famous artists are perfect when they are really just retouched through photoshop. It is unbelievable they provide us with the outstanding presumed fact that 99% of the pictures in magazines are altered in photoshop before being published.


  1. I like the photograph you chose and agree that it is not that harmful, just ridiculous. It seems absurd how the shark is just randomly inserted below the helicopter. Your choice of video is also interesting. It is crazy how even photographs of models are altered to display a non-existant ideal to society.

  2. I agree with you one hundred percent. Great video choice.
