Thursday, February 24, 2011

CLT visit

This CLT visit was very instructing and interesting. Robert Chapman talked about the many services CLT provides for the students. He mentioned all the new updates that have been done over the years such as the video conference room where students, faculty, professors and really anyone that needs it can use it to communicate long distance. Not only class lectures from teachers abroad are given there, but important conference calls which might include data and many participants. He also mentioned a lot other rooms that are available for video editing and even to practice for a group presentation. I had use the CLT media presentation room once before for a collaborative interview for my business fraternity, but other then that I had no idea of the amazing services this place offers. What I thought was the most interesting of this introduction to CLT was the fact Mr. Chapman mentioned the importance of innovation and how they always get top technology and new systems very fast. They manage their own computers and systems this is why they are updated with all the new technology (ITS has no control over their systems). It is very useful to know this space is available for students to learn, work, and interact with new technology!
This is my self portrait which I drew and scanned it using the technology in CLT.

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