Thursday, April 21, 2011


Please visit my website at

Finalizing my website was quite challenging but very fulfilling. I had helped to do a professional website before therefore I expected it to be a similar experiece, but I had never used Expression Web so it was a completely new experience. It was very time consuming to make sure all the details were in and although it looks like a simple website, it took a lot of effort, time, and patience. I used hand coding and Expression Web, I tried to use KompoZer since I am a Mac user but it was too complicated. I believe that the section I am most proud of is my gallery and collections page because it took me a long time to align the tables and to make sure that all the thumbnails were the correct size and hoped they all worked. One of the things I plan to could change is to delete the blue borders of my thumbnails because it does not go with the layout or design. My biggest technical challenge was to just learn through working and trying different things how to use tables to align pictures since I started off using just one column tables instead of one with many and this made my website a lot more organized. My biggest decide challenge was to decide how to organize my photos in my all photos page, but I decided to do it by my favorite pictures and to appeal design wise I put all the vertical pictures in the last three rows and the horizontal ones in the first row. I would love to show my website to my family and friends so they can see my development as a photographer and hopefully potential customers. After learning how to make a website I will definitely make one for another class or another ocassion in the future.


  1. Your website was extremely professional and very impressive! It looked like a true published website, and your photographs are great. Nice work, it was very well done.

  2. ANDY! Awesome website. It looks so elegant and professional. Oh and you take wonderful pictures.

  3. Awsome website!!! It looks really professional and has amazing photographs. Very well done!!

  4. I couldn't get over how classy your website was. Great job!
