Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Mystery Photo



I took this shot because it is a place that most people pass by everyday. People that go to various upper campus buildings pass this place but never take a real look at the beauty of it. 

Trinity is known to have a very beautiful campus full of plants and trees and warm red brick colors. But I decided to change this picture into sepia to give it a new perspective. I added a black vignette and a 1960's effect to give it the old, yet classy look. A very important element I added was the snow because although this past month has been really cold we have not seen snow. I added some leaves of color to give it a vivid and almost cartoonish look. 

The original picture was taken by me in black and white. This edited version has given Trinity a mysterious, old-fashioned, fantasy look.

Best Tech Tip

Mr. Joe Hatch gave a great speech on crucial information every body should know about the technology within Trinity campus and in each student's computer systems. The two main instructional topics I grasped where about support systems on campus and about computer performance.

The most important tech tip I got from Mr. Hatch was related to inefficiency on computers. He taught us about defragmentation and how to avoid lack of efficient performance through elimination of junk and controlling fragmentation. I enjoyed how he gave solutions for both Mac and PC. I learned to reset Safari and to use a better privacy program to delete super cookies to allow greater privacy and less chance of being a target within the usage of Firefox.


Hello! My name is Andrea Pinto, some people call me Andie, so either one works. I am from Quito, Ecuador and I have lived there my entire life with my big family.
I love to listen to music, play and watch soccer, eat, and my favorite TV series is How I met your mother. I am very passionate about photography as well.
My majors are Economics, International Business, and Marketing and I am currently a sophomore here at Trinity University. I am involved in various activities on campus including Alpha Kappa Psi business fraternity and Latino Exchange.
I do not have much experience using specific computer programs, but I do know the basics and I own a Mac, therefore I work better with them than with a PC. I also have basic knowledge on Microsoft and Photoshop.

The most important thing in my life is my family this is why I have posted a picture of me and my brother in the equatorial line which is only 10 minutes away from my house.

Well that was a little bit about me, if you have any questions or ever want to visit Ecuador let me know. My email is